Table cut beads - Hearts 22mm

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Hearts - 22mm

Table Cut - Hearts - 22mm

Packaging 20 pcs: 13.83 USD excl.vat
Dimensions: 22mm
Product No.: B01278-22-02010-86800
In store : 6 x 20 pcs (120 pcs)

Table Cut - Hearts - 22mm

Packaging 20 pcs: 13.83 USD excl.vat
Dimensions: 22mm
Product No.: B01278-22-23010-8655307
In store : 9 x 20 pcs (180 pcs)

Table Cut - Hearts - 22mm

Packaging 20 pcs: 16.61 USD excl.vat
Dimensions: 22mm
Product No.: B01278-22-23980-43400
In store : 0 x 20 pcs (0 pcs)
Currently unavailable
Pegaso production s.r.o.   Phone: +420 608 262 650

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